Dog Breed Guide

Aggressive Dog Breeds Section

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Aggressive Breeds of Dog
The following breeds were involved in the most dog bite fatalities in the U.S. from 1979 to 1998: Pit Bull. Rottweiler. German Shepherd. Husky. Malamute. Wolf-Dog Hybrid. Mixed Breed. Chow-Chow. Doberman-Pinscher. Great Dane. St. Bernard. 76. 44. 27

Aggressive Dog Breeds - the Real Culprits
Aggressive Dog Breeds - the Real Culprits behind the reputation.

Aggressive Dog Breeds - the Real Culprits
... About>Home & Garden>Dogs> Dog Breeds> Aggressive Dog Breeds - the Real Culprits ... there is no genetic mutation present in certain dog breeds that make them turn against their owner or ...

Aggressive Dogs and Society -
These dogs, and one or two other rare large aggressive breeds, are one level of dangerousness above what we are dealing with now, partly because of their ...

2/6/99 -- Aggressive Dog Breeds
2/6/99 -- Aggressive Dog Breeds. Dear Dr. LaCroix, I've been around dogs all my life. Some have been mean and nasty and others didn't have a mean bone in their body. ... Some dog breeds were selectively bred for aggression to intruders ...

Aggressive Dogs: Fact and Fiction -
The recent Presa Canario attack in San Francisco has focused the nation’s attention on aggressive dog breeds and what to do about them. ...

10/23/99 -- Aggressive Dog Breeds
10/23/99 --Aggressive Dog Breeds. Dear Dr. LaCroix, I've been around dogs all my life. Some have been mean and nasty and others didn't have a mean bone in their body. ... Some dog breeds were selectively bred for aggression to intruders ...

aggressive dog breeds News